The Background
A Queensland-based tourism business client of ours called 1770 Beach Accommodation was seeking ways to re-stimulate additional new business after ‘COVID-19 2020 lockdowns’ were lifted. They specifically wanted more bookings/ sales from February 2021 onwards.
The Solution
We suggested a digital advertising campaign in the form of a competition with a great prize. We knew this would reach and engage people. We also knew it would pique their interest, especially as they learned that the competition was legit (and not a scam). It would also create much more awareness about our clients business very quickly, and therefore boost sales.
Because our client wanted more sales during February, we suggested piggy-backing off Valentine’s Day.
Our client also knew that Facebook targeted ads are MUCH more affordable and effective than traditional advertising (if done correctly).
We presented our entire idea to our client and they luved it!
We then set about:
- Calculated the costing for the project. Our client agreed to the budget.
- Collaborated with them to decide what the best competition prize would be.
- Created a short video (to be used as part of the Facebook Ads campaign).
- Created a landing page. [A screenshot of it is displayed further down this page.]
- Wrote the content for the landing page.
- Wrote the competition Terms and Conditions.
- Designed and wrote the Facebook ads using ‘native content style‘ method. A screenshot of one of the adverts is below.
The prize was 3 nights accommodation at a very attractive holiday home in Agnes Water.
The Results
We ran the Facebook Ads digital advertising campaign and as predicted, it did EXTREMELY well.
We only ran the campaign for 9 days leading up to Valentine’s Day. We did this to ensure it would not drag on too long, which could annoy people using Facebook. We tested 3 different variations of the advert during the first day. We then used the one that was performing the best for the following 8 days, plus a few other variations to ‘keep it fresh’. This again prevented Facebook users from getting annoyed…. AND further increases participation in the competition.
Our client was extremely happy with the results of the ads and the entire campaign. Some of the results included:
- All up over 69,000 people saw the advert.
- Many people also shared the advert on Facebook.
- Many people clicked the advert and visited the landing page.
- Many people entered the competition.
The competition winner was announced shortly after the competition closed. The winner has since let our client know how much they enjoyed the prize! 🙂
The whole campaign was a great success!
Below are some screenshots from the campaign:

Above: This is the mobile phone view of one of the Facebook Ads.

The desktop computer view of one of the Facebook Ads.