
When setting up your YouTube Channel for your business it is very beneficial to make sure it is linked to your Google My Business Profile. This tutorial will show you how. Side note: If you don’t have a Google My Business Profile, then I strongly recommend you set one up for your business asap. If you need a hand with this, let me know.

I will assume here that you know the reasons why you need your Google My Business Profile linked to your YouTube Business Channel, but if you are not aware I have mentioned a few reasons toward the end of the video below. For now though, I am simply assuming you have found this blog article because you are wanting a quick solution. I therefore won’t rabbit on.

The Solution

Watch the below video and have a look at the tutorial text I’ve also included below. In the video tutorial I mention I found a tutorial a few weeks ago that was useful but did not contain accurate information. Its info was close to being accurate but not entirely. Here is the tutorial if for some reason you want to check it out https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-create-a-youtube-account-channel/.

I highly recommend you simply watch the tutorial below that I have created and read the tutorial instructions that I’ve also added underneath it.

Step-by-Step Written Tutorial Instructions

Here are the steps I included in the above video:

  1. Login to your Google My Business account.
  2. Then go to youtube.com.
  3. You will be logged into your YouTube account with the same logins you used to login to your Google My Business Account.
  4. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner.
  5. Click on the wheel icon beside “Creator Studio” (see screenshot below).

Google Profile

5. Click on the “See all my channels or create a new channel” hyperlink (see the below screenshot).

6. Select one of the pre-existing Google+ profiles that appear. Each of these are Google My Business Profiles that are associated with your Google Profile logins. Note that in the example I want to link my Green Valley Digital Google My Business Profile to the YouTube Channel I am creating for the business, so I have chosen accordingly (see screenshot below).

7. In the last step simply click the ‘ok’ button (see screenshot below).

That is it! You can now start setting up your YouTube Channel and adding videos. Enjoy! 🙂

Hope you have success with setting this up. If you need help though feel free to contact us or call us on 1300 887 427.

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