When we do growth coaching, marketing and advertising work with our clients we first review their ideal customer buyer persona(s) and the market research they did to generate them. We also speak about the Inbound Marketing methodology which ideal buyer personas is a part of and why Inbound Methodology is SOO very important in modern marketing and advertising.
From there we evaluate and determine the next steps. Sometimes we have to help the client do further in-depth market research. In other instances we can move onto the next step in our process….Which is a blog article for another day.
Today I just wanted to quickly share the below HubSpot video that talks about aspects of creating your ideal buyer personas. I will add more videos to this blog article soon and also share more information. For now, I had better get back to client work :).
Have a great day! (or evening depending on what time and time-zone you are reading this) 🙂
Jay Daniells has been doing advanced Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) work for clients since 2010. He is an SEO specialist. He first started doing SEO work in 2005. He has also been creating websites full-time since 2003. Amongst things Jay is also a graphic designer, digital marketing consultant and creative person. His focus is helping businesses, community groups, clubs, charities, organisations and other entities achieve their goals. He is the owner of Green Valley Digital.