
Our Accountant has just let us know that the Small Business Adaption Grant Program has today been announced {apparently) by the QLD State Government.
Queensland small businesses can now apply for a grant of up to $10,000.

Consider sharing this blog post with other business people and possibly your social channels (or generate your own version or post… if you want to use your own branding) if you would like to help spread the word.

The funding can be used towards the following:

  • financial, legal or other professional advice to support business sustainability and diversification
  • strategic planning, financial counselling or business coaching aligned to business development and diversification
  • building the business through marketing and communications activities, for example, content development (web pages, mobile apps, visual and audio media etc.)
  • digital/technological strategy development
  • digital training or re-training to adapt to new business models
  • capital costs associated with meeting COVID-19 safe requirements
  • specialised digital equipment or business-specific software to move business operations online (e.g. logistics program for online ordering)
  • meeting business costs, including utilities, rent.

Note: Grant funds can also be used towards any of the above activities occurring from 23 March 2020 onwards, keeping in mind the project must be completed within a maximum of 6 months from the date of approval.

Once the program budget has been fully allocated, applications for the program will close. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 small businesses will be supported through this program. 
Applications are open now and will close when funding has been exhausted, applicants will need to act quickly.

Click here to read the full info about the grant on the Business Qld.Gov website.

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