There is great value for your business in having a quality Lead Capture system built into your website, your key webpages, your landing pages and your key ‘long-tail’ targeting blog articles.
Quick side note: This is a quick read blog article (what I like to call a ‘breakfast read’ type blog article) about a certain type of online sales funnel lead capture system. If you are an expert in ClickFunnels, or any of the many other online funnel systems out there, this article isn’t for you. It’s written for those new to the idea.
Before I explain what a Lead Capture System is, it is important to be aware that over 60% of your first time website visitors will not contact you nor buy from your website during their first visit. THIS is a really important thing to ALWAYS keep in mind.
Most people are purely researching to see who are out there that provide the services or products they are looking for. They’re looking to see whom they think might look like the right business for them. The only exception to this rule is ‘plumbers’ because you typically need a plumber quickly in an emergency. If you sell products online at RIDICULOUSLY cheap prices (WAY, WAY cheaper than ANY of your online or offline competitors), then you are an exception to the rule too.
Aside from the few exceptions to the rule, to the norm though is that:
As I’ve said above, most people are just researching and comparing what you offer to others (your competitors). They’re in no rush. They’re going to make their decision in their own time. They’re going to be careful about which service providers they are going to choose to contact, or the product seller they will consider buying from during the coming weeks or EVEN months. Most will also be seeking further insight from your business so they are empowered and able to make a more educated purchasing decision; this is especially true for high-priced items and items they hope will be of great value, last a long time and provide a good return on investment. They DON’T want ‘buyers remorse’. They want to be sure they’re making a good decision.
Similarly, some people may not need your services or products just yet. They may have a project in the pipe-line but are not ready to seek quotes right now. Some people also just really like FREE stuff (or discounted items) and will go hunting for coupon codes, wait for promotions and special offers, etc.
So how to counter-act all this? What to do?
The answer is to build a Lead Capture System that has an excellent Lead Magnet and Autoresponder sequence. A quality Website Designer and Website Writer will be able to build this system for you. The Lead Magnet is the thing you will give away for free that will entice people to fill out the Lead Capture System (the opt-in box). It MUST be of excellent value to the site visitor to encourage them to want it. There are many types of Lead Magnets; if you do a quick Google Search for “what makes a good lead magnet” you will find HEAPS of ideas. Once the website visitor has filled out the form and has received the free Lead Magnet item, a series of very well write Autoresponder emails are sent to their email address over the next X number of weeks.
A great autoresponder sequence is very important so that you and your business remains top of mind even months after they first signed up for the free item. This ensures they don’t forget about you. It also provides an opportunity for you to provide them with even more information and value-add offerings.
One of your autoresponder emails MAY even include a limited time coupon code or a limited time special offer.
Bonus: What else can you do?
Have you been to a website then started getting advertisements about that website (business) and/or ads about products and/or services that website sells? I am pretty sure you would have. We all have. This is a strategy that Facebook offers businesses to be able to do. It is called ‘Facebook Re-marketing’. It requires expertise using the Facebook Ads Manager to setup. Basically when you go to a website with this setup, your computer gets a special cookie installed into it which Facebook refers to as ‘being pixeled’. If the business has ads setup that are triggered to appear after someone is ‘pixeled’ you will start seeing their ads in your facebook news feed.
Google has something similar in their Google Ads system too called ‘Google Re-marketing’
Both these strategies are VERY effective at keeping your business, your services, your products top-of-mind after someone goes to your website for the first time. There are many pros to this but remember, you have to pay advertising costs to Facebook and Google for this strategy to work. If you are considering this strategy, I recommend working with specialists in these ares to ensure you get a positive advertising return. When done right, this can be a great cost-effective ROI activity. When done wrong though, this can waste your hard-earned money.
Update: 21-08-19: On our own website we have a few lead capture systems: One asks if you’d like us to audit your existing website. it appears on certain pages of our site. We are also working on a full-fledged Lead Capture offer that will appear on our websites home page. The Lead Magnet for it is an eBook we are writing atm. In fact, there are a few eBooks we are writing atm. One contains a bunch of tried and true ways to assist with the growth of your business in 2019. Another one contains the 3 major parts needed for success using Facebook as part of your Business Marketing Plan.
PS. If you are interested in some of the additional ways of gaining best results from your website, there is a rough-draft podcast audio file I recorded a few weeks ago. You can find it here.
Jay Daniells has been doing advanced Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) work for clients since 2010. He is an SEO specialist. He first started doing SEO work in 2005. He has also been creating websites full-time since 2003. Amongst things Jay is also a graphic designer, digital marketing consultant and creative person. His focus is helping businesses, community groups, clubs, charities, organisations and other entities achieve their goals. He is the owner of Green Valley Digital.