
Just thought I’d write a very quick blog article ‘off the cuff’. Here it is:

This is just a bit of an update about a few of the things we are up to atm. It also contains a bit of a ‘humble brag’ which I hope you don’t mind. I’m just pretty excited atm and am keeping energised/ enthusiastic/ my spirits high in the lead up to Christmas during this silly/extra busy season. It also mentions our pre-Christmas special offers.

As you would have gathered, focusing on our customer needs is always our #1 priority. We luv doing all we can for our clients to assist them to achieve their desired goals.

We’ve also had another 4 new clients start working with us in the last little while; which of course has been great too!

Of course we are also more than happy to work with heaps more new clients as well, including you… and yep, we have the capacity to do so.

Here is the Email Newsletter I created and sent out today. Click here to view it.

Pre-Christmas Specials:

As mentioned above, we also have pre-Christmas special offers atm and you can read the details about them in the Email Newsletter. You’ll also find HEAPS of useful info within this email newsletter. It is jam-packed if full of value.

Here’s also an interesting question I was asked for the first time ever the other day…

Do we work with Small Businesses?

The answer of course is ‘yes’. But here’s the story: A new prospective client met with me 2 weeks ago and asked, “You seem to work with bigger clients, do you actually work for small businesses as well”. I wasn’t sure where this impression came from but I assured him we do work with small businesses. I even showed him some of the sites we have done for small businesses (which I’ve included below).  He is now a client btw.

Humble Brag:

Right now I am working on another Hosted Exchange quote for a new client who wants to host their Domain Based Email Addresses with us. I’m also quoting on building a blog for another client. We’re also finishing another 5 client website projects atm and we will also start several more new ones very soon too. I have some small update jobs to finish for existing clients as well. WE ALWAYS though have the capacity to take on more work.

Last week I also had the opportunity to speak to a local Bundaberg business group. I enjoyed it very much and feedback has been quite good. I am fairly new to public speaking but as per anything, I believe that practice is the key, so I’m getting out there and having a good go. If you’d like me to come speak to your group, club, business or school, etc, feel free to send me a request.

Here is a link to the definition of ‘humble brag‘ btw. I haven’t exactly ‘humble bragged’ in the above paragraphs because I haven’t done a ‘Woe is me’ type thing. I’m just not that sort of person. Being positive and upbeat is way more enjoyable I think and I trust you would agree.

I probably sound way too cheery though please note I certainly have my share of stressors as well. Keeping them in check though and am making sure they don’t become a ‘storm in a tea cup’ because in the grand scheme of things they really are only minor and ‘this too shall pass’.

Photography Work

I also had to take photos out at Bargara last week. Got up at 4.30am both mornings to get out there and take early morning shots. Was good fun.

I also popped over to Gayndah in the North Burnett to see friends and clients and while I was there I got this photo using of the ‘super moon’ (click here to view it on my facebook page). I like phone cameras very much. Carrying a camera and being able to take pics at any time is great I reckon. Was chatting with some blokes about their F1 Speed Boats too the other week — a few pics of the boats are on my Instagram.

I’d better duck off now and get back to client work. Have a great day (or evening if you are reading this at night)! :). Also, don’t forget our pre-Christmas specials.

I’m also doing Movember again this year.

PS. Hope your pre-Christmas ‘silly season’ is going great!

Best Regards,
Jay Daniells and the team

Jay Daniells

About the Author: Jay Daniells

Jay Daniells has been doing advanced Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) work for clients since 2010. He is an SEO specialist. He first started doing SEO work in 2005. He has also been creating websites full-time since 2003. Amongst things Jay is also a graphic designer, digital marketing consultant and creative person. His focus is helping businesses, community groups, clubs, charities, organisations and other entities achieve their goals. He is the owner of Green Valley Digital.