A Very Quick Background Story
Firstly, I want to thank you for visiting our website and reading its pages. I greatly appreciate it.
It is the 18th of October 2016 and I have decided our website should include a little background story. My name is Jay Daniells btw.
Each of us in the team have been in the digital media industry for over 14 years. I myself started designing websites commercially full-time and doing Digital Marketing back in 2003. Most of us have been working together since that time. We are very much a family.
If you have read a few pages of this website you’ve probably also noted that I am based in Bundaberg. I relocated from Brisbane in late 2008 after resigning my job in the media industry where I worked for a business based at Roma Street. I felt like a change was needed. If was to start a business before I was 30, the time was now to leave behind the days of being an employee.
I grew up on a farm in Rural Queensland originally and moved to Brisbane when I was 17 (back in 1997). I decided to then leave Brisbane in 2008 because I wanted to get closer to my family, old friends and Regional and Rural Queensland.
I am very glad I made the move.
I was also doing a LOT of work for Wildlife Film and Digital Video Cinematographers in Brisbane, including Plankton Productions and Gulliver Media (and others); I was staring at awesome marine and wildlife photos and video imagery on a computer screen all day while stuck in an office cubical. This did not seem right to me; I grew up on a farm and I’ve always been a big fan of spending time outdoors doing stuff including exploring. It was time I got back out into nature myself! I am now also an Assistant Scout Leader. Scouts was a big part of my youth and I wanted to ‘pay it forward’.
So back in 2007/2008 I devised a plan. It worked out really well. I still work with the above mentioned clients and I still have a great relationship with my Roma St employer. I am now though based in regional Queensland where I like to be and I travel as needed, including trips to Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Agnes Water, Warwick and many other places. The laptop comes with me and I work from wherever I need to.
Myself and the rest of the Green Valley Digital team work with clients all over Australia. We also do a lot of work for fellow local businesses in the Bundaberg, Wide Bay and North Burnett regions. We also have some overseas clients. One of our team members Kylie was based in the Blue Mountains, NSW but has now relocated to Cairns. Jay Donaldson (our other Jay) is based in Brisbane.
PS. If you’d like to read the story behind our business name and how it relates to the farm where I grew up, please feel free to click this link to read a short spiel on our Facebook business page.
While there if you ‘like’ our facebook page please feel free 🙂 .
Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, wish to provide feedback, want to say hi or want to contact us about your next project,… or any other thing, by all means feel free. Here is a link to our enquiry form.
Have a great day (or evening) depending on what time of day or night you are reading this.