
I just sent a high alert email to our mailing list with information about a very important security alert so am adding the contents of my short email here as a quick blog article for you to read too.

A Gmail phishing attack is spreading and fooling even technically savvy internet users, according to Wordfence. If you use Gmail, read and be alert! PROTECT YOURSELF! Please consider reading the below text and then clicking the link to read the full article and find out how to project yourself…


This just came to my attention so am sending it to you straight away:

You are receiving this email from me if we are aware you or someone you know  uses a Gmail account.

We just received an email from a trusted security supplier we use (Wordfence Plugin) with all WordPress websites that we manage.
The following link will take you to the Wordfence website blog; where they explain in easy to read terms about this latest security problem.

Click this link to read the article on the Wordfence website (note: this is a legitimated trusted link that I (Jay Daniells) have created for this email. It is safe to click). If you’re still unsure if it is safe call me on 0400 838 085 to confirm.

Be wary of this Gmail email phishing technique. Always check what you’re clicking on, even if it looks like it is coming from someone you know. This article explains how to protect yourself.


Please consider sharing this blog article with others to help create awareness and help protect your community, your family and your friends.

PS. Side note: We are implementing even more layers of security within our computers atm and are offering consultancy regarding this to you as well (like we have done over the years). Feel free to call or email us to find out more.

PPS. If you want to join our mailing list to receive notifications from us when security alerts are announced, please click this link to sign up. We don’t spam or share your details with 3rd parties btw.

Best Regards,
Jay Daniells and the Team 

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