A GREAT website with excellent SEO is more important than ever if you want your business to have the advantage. Industries, markets and businesses are increasingly competitive, saturated, etc… BUT the businesses and companies who are using SEO (Search Engine Optimisation Campaigning) to rank in Google (and Bing) for the products and services they offer (within their geographic market/ target area(s)) are getting ahead. Here is some info about one of our clients who is doing just that. We have helped many clients with SEO over the years. Much of what we do is confidential.
It goes without saying that people are also using Google more and more everyday to search for and find products they want to buy, discover new products (and/or unique gifts, clothing, etc) and services they need (eg. a Plumber, an Insurance Broker, a Drone Video Operator, Builder, Florist, Podiatrist, and/or just about any service-based business type).
1/ As always, the number 1 SEO rule is: Make sure your website is an excellent representation of your business and a BETTER quality website than that of your direct competition. As in, be sure to own a QUALITY WEBSITE BEFORE the SEO work starts, not afterward. If you do this your EXCELLENT website + excellent SEO work will start generating enquiries, leads and sales growth. On the other hand, if your website is an average reflection of your business (or worse) no amount of SEO applied to it will yield the growth you are wanting. Instead of SEO being a MAJOR investment in your business (and its growth), it’ll be a liability that will cost you money.
2/ Make sure the SEO team you choose can actually show you proof that they have the skills to get you a result. Ask them to show you some of the actual tools they use to do SEO. We use SEMRush, Answer the Public and a variety of other tools.
3/ Google continues to reward long-form, informative content. Webpages that tend toward thin content don’t do so well. If you run an online shop website, consider providing more helpful details on your product pages. As in, write even more interesting-to-read text that better communicates the features and benefits of each product and write for your ‘ideal customer’. Really ‘sell the sizzle!’ It will aid your SEO AND also increase your sales.
4/ Find an SEO team who actually HAVE THE TIME to do the SEO work for your business each month! There are too many SEO companies that don’t have enough staff or resources to do the correct amount of SEO work for each client on their books. It’s then the clients who suffer.
We make sure we never take on too many SEO clients at any given time. Right now we only have the provision to take on 6 additional Local SEO clients and 5 Nationwide SEO clients.
‘Local SEO’ refers to SEO work done for a business that only markets into one local location (eg. a small city… or a handful of large suburbs in a larger city). ‘Nationwide SEO’ refers to businesses that market nationwide.
5/ Learn Inbound Marketing. You can start by doing a free online course that HubSpot provide. Info about it is here.
Some more SEO tips are in this article.
There are MANY, MANY other SEO tips we could share, but we don’t have time atm to prepare hours upon hours of content.