IMPORTANT information below including our current special offer
I have not posted a blog article to this site in a little while. I/we have audio recorded a bunch of new blog posts, all containing useful info. We’ll get them transcribed soon and then turn them into blog articles for this site. For now, here is some VERY important information you will want to know:
Google Chrome (the popular website browser) has already started labelling (telling) your site visitors that your website is NOT SECURE if you do not have a correctly installed SSL Certificate setup within your website. Many of our active clients know about this already. Some have had a quality SSL Certificate setup on their site for over 7 years, while others have got us to set one up on their site in more recent times (during the past 3 years).
If you are not sure if one is setup on your site, you will want to check this before July this year. Also, if you are not sure what a SSL Certificate is, please read this.
It will be extremely evident to you why this will impact your business if you don’t get it setup, but if you are not sure, just Google “why google chrome not secure will impact your business” and read a few articles about it.
Please note too that Google is not making these changes to penalise your business or organisations website. Rather, Google is continuing to make changes to help customers find reputable businesses and keep their data (and yours, safe).
I/we want to give you a heads-up about what is to come; when Chrome changes to version 68 in July 2018. I strongly recommend reading about this here.
If you decide you NEED SSL setup on your website asap and you are one of our clients, let me know asap and we’ll get it setup for you.
If on the other hand you host your website with someone else and want this done, contact them… or consider moving your website to us . We offer free quality SSL Certificates to all websites hosted with us and also offer paid SSL Certificates using TrustWave (a very reputable provider).
If you are not sure if a quality SSL Certificate is setup on your website or need more information, feel free to send us an enquiry.
Any website owners not using SSL Certificates should be warned about this impending change in the Chrome browser; with Firefox to follow suit shortly after. Feel free to forward this blog article to others in your inner and wider network who need to know/ be informed.
Note too: If your website has not been updated in a while or your site is not doing much in the way of good for your business, let me know and we can provide advice and options to update or redesign your website and turn in into a performer website for your business… as we have done for many. Some client testimonials are here. Same too applies if your business branding, print graphic design, videos, marketing, marketing messages, advertising, etc needs enhancing.
Plus we can do even more activities to EVEN further improve your website (business) conversions: To learn more, consider Googling “how to correctly measure your website” and “conversion rate optimisation” and “website competitor monitoring” to learn just a few of the ways to do it… and also watch videos about “data driving methods to make informed decisions about how to improve the performance of your website” and watch videos about “CrazyEgg” and “Optimizely[.[com” and other tools like “Google Analytics” and “Google Console” on YouTube. Or you can book a workshop or coaching course (phone, Zoom, Skype or face to face) with us.
There is an absolute tonne of information out there to help business owners :). Also there is a LOT of information about why using/creating “excellent videos for your website and social media channels to even further improve conversions and audience growth” is such a good idea.
Side note: All our SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) clients know the following: “The free SSL Certificate has already been setup by us on your website.
We set this up on your website in the past as part of initial on-website SEO work… We did this because we know it is one of the ‘over 200 ranking factors/signals’ that Google looks at (analyses) when considering/deciding if your website has earned (deserves) high rankings in the Google ‘Search Engine Results Pages’ (‘SERPs’ for short) for relevant search terms (keyword phrases) that people search (that are relevant to what your business offers)… AND are therefore, as you know, some of the keyword phrases you want to rank highly for.”
In other News:
This week we have another new work experience student with us. He is also one of our Venturer Scouts (I am a Scout Leader). He is planning a career in technology but is not sure what area he wishes to go into yet (which is a great way to be).
Amongst things I have teed up for him:
- A Facebook PM chat with a friend of mine who works for Tesla in Japan (some info on the Forbes website about this is here)
- Have introduced him to professional website design
- Business growth consultancy
- Digital Marketing
- Lead Generation, Online Sales Funnels and Landing Pages
- SEO, Google Adwords and how Google ranks websites (authority and other trust signals to earn rankings in the organic section of the search engine results pages (SERPs) vs paid search and why and when to use each to build your business)
- Affirmations, visioning, goal setting, universal laws and power of intent
- Film and TV
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) discussions
- Ethics discussions
- Animation and illustration
- Furthering his code development skills
- Additional Photoshop training
- and many other things.
This morning while I was working on 3 client websites I thought to also share a few documentaries with him:
I am writing this blog post and sharing this here in case you too are interested in watching these documentaries or know someone who is… and may also get benefit and value from them.
Side note: We were having a weekly coaching session with one of our Queensland clients yesterday (who is atm getting us to coach and help with ideal target audience research, brand redevelopment including his new logo and business growth development) and in amongst things we discussed russellbrunson[.]com. I am now of course seeing video ads from Russell Brunson on YouTube. If you ever want Google/YouTube ReMarketing like this done for your business, let me know. Happy to setup the campaign for you and optimise it for best business marketing Return on Investment (as part of your business growth).
Other side note: Myself and one of my team/partner are also booked into the Digital Marketer Down Under Event in August this year. It’s a 2 day event. I really enjoyed their Traffic and Conversions 3 day event a few years ago, so am really looking forward to this one too.
Thanks for reading. Please feel free to post comments below or contact us for assistance. We’ll be sure to blog again soon.
Jay Daniells has been doing advanced Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) work for clients since 2010. He is an SEO specialist. He first started doing SEO work in 2005. He has also been creating websites full-time since 2003. Amongst things Jay is also a graphic designer, digital marketing consultant and creative person. His focus is helping businesses, community groups, clubs, charities, organisations and other entities achieve their goals. He is the owner of Green Valley Digital.